14 miles total
Day 1
6 miles

I hiked from our campsite along the lake and onto the back country trail system with my loaded pack. It was a cloudy day and the temperature hit a maximum of about 55 degrees. I wore a hat and rain jacket for warmth and was glad that it never rained. I did six miles around Blueberry Lake and to a hike-in, boat-in campsite on Bear Head Lake that I had reserved weeks before. I decided not to camp out by myself since the weather was cool and clammy and once again the camper with my family and a nice dinner was only a short boat-ride away. Brett picked me up and I was happy with a nice day of mileage and some pretty scenic trails. I really enjoyed this hike.
Day 2
5 miles

On Day 2 I had Brett drop me off at the campsite again and I hiked along the paths that I had not taken the day before and returned back to the campground a few hours later. Had I camped in the hike-in site this is the hiking I would have done. It was nice to see so many new trails. And the temperature climbed steadily today to almost 70 degrees with sunny skies. Much nicer!
Day 3
3 miles
On Day 3 I decided to take one last loop around to a favorite trail and a couple last ones I had not taken. I even discovered a few leaves that were turning red.
Now I truly know every trail in the State Park.
Beautiful hike!