Ronia's Short Story 2019

The Voice

by Ronia Larson (14)

She looked into the mirror one last time. I ghostly figure stared back at her. Her hands were shaking as she could hear the demons calling out her name once again. No one was there for her. She was alone. She was cold. She was helpless. Her eyes appeared to be dead in her sockets and lies were caving in on her. She was like a trapped animal, nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. Helplessness swallowed her as she heard the demons coming out from every corner of the room. There was no one she could run to. Her legs became wobbly beneath her as she collapsed to the ground. It felt like someone was sinking a knife deep into her chest and she found herself short of breath. The demons where close now. Breathing on her, repeating the lies that she fully believed, the ones that would eventually consume her. Then, as the demons were tormenting her and laughing because they thought they had won, she cried out. Just a faint whisper, with almost no hope, but that whisper changed everything. 

All of a sudden, a big boom sounded in the room. A bright light shone out onto her and she looked up. Then a loud, deep, powerful, yet comforting voice said, “Leave her!” and as soon as the words were said, the demons left, beaten and afraid. Then the deep voice spoke to her, the helpless, guilty girl who deserved to be consumed by the demons, the Voice was talking to her. It said five simple words that changed her life, “I am here for you.” Suddenly a great sense of peace washed over her. She felt warmth within her as she looked at the bright light that was now spreading through the whole room, lighting up every corner. She said in a faint, shy whisper, “Don't leave me!” As she said the words she felt herself being pulled into what felt like the most reassuring hug. “I won't.” The Voice said, and she knew it was true. All the lies, all the darkness she had been living in, vanished as she felt new feelings: hope, peace, comfort, and trust.

Then the light faded away, but she wasn't afraid. She looked around the dark room with new confidence. No fear could get her now! She stood up, walked to the widow and opened the shades letting light flood through the room. This room that had been her escape from the world now was a place where she could feel safe. She looked through the books on her shelf. Way at the bottom of a stack was a Bible. It was covered in dust and she new she had never opened it before. Something was calling her to open it. She opened the book and read the first verse that she found. It was John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” She was curious now, she read on in the Bible and learned about Jesus, who would be with her always. It was the best news ever!

Philippians 4:7, “The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.”

I would like to thank my Mom for editing the story with me.

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